Irene Bavasso

Ingegnere Chimico
Ingegnere chimico laureato presso l’Università della Calabria, ha conseguito il dottorato in ingegneria chimica presso la Sapienza dove, dal 2018, è assegnista di ricerca. È impegnata in attività di ricerca riguardanti la sintesi di materiali nanocompositi per applicazioni ambientali, la valorizzazione degli scarti agro-alimentari in matrici polimeriche e cementizie, la durabilità dei materiali cementizi. Fornisce, inoltre, supporto nella didattica e nello svolgimento di tesi di laurea. In GEEG svolge attività di supporto alla ricerca sull’utilizzo e impatto ambientale di agenti condizionanti, di fanghi bentonitici e caratterizzazione di malte da backfilling.
Plant Waste as Green Reinforcement for Polymer Composites: A Case Study of Pteris Vittata Roots I Bavasso, D Marzi, MP Bracciale, L Di Palma, J Tirillò, F SarasiniJournal of Natural Fibers, 1-222022 Recycled Multi-Material Packaging Reinforced with Flax Fibres: Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour I Bavasso, C Sergi, T Valente, J Tirillò, F SarasiniPolymers 14 (20), 44232022 Chemical, Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of Licorice Root, Willow, Holm Oak, and Palm Leaf Waste Incorporated into Maleated Polypropylene (MAPP) S Gabrielli, M Caviglia, G Pastore, E Marcantoni, F Nobili, L Bottoni, …Polymers 14 (20), 43482022 Characterization of waste roots from the As hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata as low-cost adsorbent for Methylene Blue removal L Mazzeo, D Marzi, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, V Piemonte, L Di PalmaChemical Engineering Research and Design 186, 13-213 2022 Effect of Water–Ethanol Extraction as Pre-Treatment on the Adsorption Properties of Aloe vera Waste L Mazzeo, I Bavasso, M Spallieri, MP Bracciale, V Piemonte, L Di PalmaMaterials 15 (16), 55662022 Geopolymer materials for low-pressure injections in coarse grained soil: multiscale approach to the study of the mechanical behaviour and environmental impact M Bocci, C Cerocchi, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, Q Napoleoni, L Di Palma, …Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-131 2022 Easy way to produce iron-doped titania nanoparticles via the solid-state method and investigation their photocatalytic activity D Rosa, F D’Agostino, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, L Di Palma2022 Ozone-based Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes I Bavasso, D Montanaro, E PetrucciCurrent Opinion in Electrochemistry, 1010173 2022 Water-ethanol pre-treatment on Aloe vera waste: effects on adsorption of Methylene Blue from water L Mazzeo, I Bavasso, M Spallieri, M Bracciale, V Piemonte, L Di PalmaMATERIALS 15, 55662022 Characterization of Pteris Vittata waste roots as low-cost adsorbent: methylene blue adsorption L Mazzeo, D Marzi, I Bavasso, M Bracciale, V Piemonte, L Di PalmaChemical Engineering Research and Design 186, 13-212022 Tailoring the interfacial strength of basalt fibres/epoxy composite with ZnO-nanorods M Lilli, F Sbardella, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, C Scheffler, I Rivilla, J Tirillo’, …Composite Interfaces 28 (8), 771-7938 2021 Effect of Ni, Zn and Fe on hydrothermal liquefaction of cellulose: Impact on bio-crude yield and composition B de Caprariis, M Scarsella, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, L Tai, P De FilippisJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 157, 10522514 2021 In Situ Bio-Methanation Modelling of a Randomly Packed Gas Stirred Tank Reactor (GSTR) L Mazzeo, A Signorini, G Lembo, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, V PiemonteProcesses 9 (5), 8461 2021 Zinc oxide nanostructures and stearic acid as surface modifiers for flax fabrics in polylactic acid biocomposites F Sbardella, I Rivilla, I Bavasso, P Russo, L Vitiello, J Tirillò, F SarasiniInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules 177, 495-5047 2021 Entrapped Zinc Oxide and Titania Nanoparticles in Calcium Alginate Beads for the Removal of Methylene Blue (MB): Adsorption Properties and Photocatalytic Stability L Mazzeoa, D Rosaa, I Bavassoa, L Di PalmaaTransactions 84, 181-1862021 Sulfonated Fe3O4/PES nanocomposites as efficient separators in microbial fuel cells I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, F Sbardella, D Puglia, F Dominici, L Torre, …Journal of Membrane Science 620, 11896710 2021 Experimental assessment of a hybrid process including adsorption/photo Fenton oxidation and Microbial Fuel Cell for the removal of dicarboxylic acids from aqueous solution G Civan, B Palas, G Ersöz, S Atalay, I Bavasso, L Di PalmaJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 407, 1130563 2021 Functionalization of Commercial Electrospun Veils with Zinc Oxide Nanostructures I Bavasso, F Sbardella, MP Bracciale, M Lilli, J Tirillò, L Di Palma, …Nanomaterials 11 (2), 4181 2021 Surface Modification of Basalt Fibres with ZnO Nanorods and Its Effect on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of PLA-Based Composites F Sbardella, A Martinelli, V Di Lisio, I Bavasso, P Russo, J Tirillò, …Biomolecules 11 (2), 2004 2021 Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and TiO2–SiO2 by coupling with graphene–gold nanocomposites VD Chinh, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, AC Felici, M Scarsella, G Vilardi, …Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 32 (4), 5082-509314 2021 Hierarchical Electrospun Veils as Potential Toughening Materials for Structural Composite Laminates I BAVASSO, F SBARDELLA, MP BRACCIALE, J TIRILLÒ, L DI PALMA, …Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-Sixth Technical …2021 In situ Bio-methanation modelling of a packed bed anaerobic digester L Mazzeo, A Signorini, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, V Piemonte2021 Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Lubricants in 2020 A Kudus, SC Junior, P Oliveira, JV Abellan-Nebot, H Costa, MS Ahmad, …2021 Interface tailoring between flax yarns and epoxy matrix by ZnO nanorods F Sbardella, M Lilli, MC Seghini, I Bavasso, F Touchard, …Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 140, 10615611 2021 Fenton oxidation of primary municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge: Process modelling and reactor scale-up G Vilardi, I Bavasso, M Scarsella, N Verdone, L Di PalmaProcess Safety and Environmental Protection 140, 46-5924 2020 Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguarensis) as Bio-Adsorbent for the Removal of Methylene Blue, Remazol Brilliant Blue and Chromium Hexavalent: Thermodynamic and … L Mazzeo, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, M Cocchi, L Di Palma, V PiemonteWater 12 (7), 20167 2020 A rapid experimental procedure to assess environmental compatibility of conditioning mixtures used in TBM-EPB technology I Bavasso, G Vilardi, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, M Di Felice, A Di Biase, …Applied Sciences 10 (12), 41382 2020 Enhanced degradation of paracetamol by combining UV with electrogenerated hydrogen peroxide and ozone I Bavasso, C Poggi, E PetrucciJournal of Water Process Engineering 34, 10110220 2020 Unsupported Ni metal catalyst in hydrothermal liquefaction of oak wood: Effect of catalyst surface modification B De Caprariis, MP Bracciale, I Bavasso, G Chen, M Damizia, V Genova, …Science of the Total Environment 709, 13621524 2020 Impact and post-impact properties of multiscale carbon fiber composites interleaved with carbon nanotube sheets W Xin, F Sarasini, J Tirillò, I Bavasso, F Sbardella, L Lampani, IM De RosaComposites Part B: Engineering 183, 10771132 2020 Effect of electrospun nanofibres and MWCNTs on the low velocity impact response of carbon fibre laminates F Sarasini, J Tirillò, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, F Sbardella, L Lampani, …Composite Structures 234, 11177611 2020 Remediation of hexavalent chromium contaminated water through zero-valent iron nanoparticles and effects on tomato plant growth performance E Brasili, I Bavasso, V Petruccelli, G Vilardi, A Valletta, C Dal Bosco, …Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-1177 2020 Effect of Pretreatment of Nanocomposite PES‐Fe3O4 Separator on Microbial Fuel Cells Performance I Bavasso, L Di Palma, D Puglia, F Luzi, F Dominici, J Tirillò, F Sarasini, …Polymer Engineering & Science 60 (2), 371-3795 2020 Electrochemically assisted decomposition of ozone for degradation and mineralization of Diuron I Bavasso, D Montanaro, L Di Palma, E PetrucciElectrochimica Acta 331, 13542325 2020 Assessment of Alkali–Silica Reactivity of Aggregates by Concrete Expansion Tests in Alkaline Solutions at 38° C I Bavasso, U Costa, T Mangialardi, AE PaoliniMaterials 13 (2), 2888 2020 A preliminary study of the parameters influencing the perfomance of two-component backfill grout A Di Giulio, I Bavasso, M Di Felice, D SebastianiGallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee. 133, 11-172 2020 Effect of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) residue and coupling agent on the mechanical and thermal properties of polyolefin‐based composites I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, F Sbardella, J Tirillò, F Sarasini, L Di PalmaPolymer Composites 41 (1), 161-1737 2020 Olive mill wastewater integrated purification through pre-treatments using coagulants and biological methods: Experimental, modelling and scale-up S Vuppala, I Bavasso, M Stoller, L Di Palma, G VilardiJournal of Cleaner Production 236, 11762245 2019 Classification of foam and foaming products for EPB mechanized tunnelling based on half-life time D Sebastiani, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, S MilizianoTunnelling and Underground Space Technology 92, 10304417 2019 Synthesis of Fe/Ni bimetallic nanoparticles and application to the catalytic removal of nitrates from water GG Valiyeva, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, SR Hajiyeva, MA Ramazanov, …Nanomaterials 9 (8), 113020 2019 MFCs as biosensor, bioreactor and bioremediator A Pietrelli, I Bavasso, N Lovecchio, V Ferrara, B Allard2019 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces …7 2019 Enhanced bio-crude yield and quality by reductive hydrothermal liquefaction of oak wood biomass: Effect of iron addition B de Caprariis, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, M Damizia, P De Filippis, …Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 139, 123-13044 2019 Cr (vi) removal by chitosan-magnetite nano-composite in aqueous solution I Bavasso, S Vuppala, C CianfriniChemical Engineering Transactions 73, 163-1687 2019 Influence of bacteria inoculum and organic concentration on the biodegradation of soil conditioning agents in aqueous solutions G Vilardi, I Bavasso, D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, L Di Palma, M Pirone, …Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology …1 2019 Biological treatment of wastewater from pyrolysis plant: effect of organics concentration, pH and temperature L Di Palma, I Bavasso, M Capocelli, P De Filippis, V PiemonteWater 11 (2), 3368 2019 Hierarchical modification of flax fibres by zinc oxide nanostructures F Sbardella, M Lilli, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, MC Seghini, LD Palma, …ICCM22 2019, 3943-39522019 Functionalization of basalt fibres by hydrothermal growth of zinc oxide nanostructures M Lilli, F Sbardella, I Bavasso, MP Bracciale, MC Seghini, L Di Palma, …ICCM22 2019, 2536-25462019 Chemical interaction between fine-grained soil and foaming agents in tunnelling with TBM-EPB D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, A Di Giulio17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering …1 2019 Studies on the environmental compatibility of conditioning agents for the reuse of the soil produced by the mechanized excavation of tunnels M Pirone, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, L Di Palma, …GALLERIE E GRANDI OPERE SOTTERRANEE, 19-282018 Cr (VI) removal by green-synthetized iron-based nanoparticles: effect of Cr (VI) concentration and pH condition on adsorption process I Bavasso, N Verdone, L Di PalmaChemical Engineering Transactions 70, 469-4744 2018 Effect of nano‐magnetite particle content on mechanical, thermal and magnetic properties of polypropylene composites L Di Palma, I Bavasso, F Sarasini, J Tirillò, D Puglia, F Dominici, L Torre, …Polymer Composites 39 (S3), E1742-E175018 2018 Shortcut Biological Nitrogen Removal (SBNR) in an MFC anode chamber under microaerobic conditions: The effect of C/N ratio and kinetic study I Bavasso, D Montanaro, E Petrucci, L Di PalmaSustainability 10 (4), 10629 2018 Synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of Fe3O4/PES nano composite membranes for microbial fuel cell L Di Palma, I Bavasso, F Sarasini, J Tirillò, D Puglia, F Dominici, L TorreEuropean Polymer Journal 99, 222-229